Partner in Patentanwaltskanzlei Matschnig & Forsthuber
Austrian Patent Attorney and European Trademark Attorney,
European Patent Attorney
European Patent Litigator before the Unified Patent Court of the EU
expert lay judge at the Commercial Court of Vienna and at the Supreme Court of Austria
Studies of Engineering Physics at Technical University of Vienna, dissertation in the field of high temperature super conduction at Technical University of Vienna, research assistant at the institute for experimental physics of Technical University of Vienna, research stay at the „Department of Material Science and Technology“ of Kyoto University; several years of experience in the construction of special-purpose machines in the semiconductor industry
Technical fields (Selection)
Mechanics, physics, solid-state physics, optics, acoustics, biotechnology, computer implemented inventions, software, semiconductor technology, medical engineering, microsystems engineering, nanotechnology, particle optics
Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI), substitute member of the EPI-council; Union-IP
German, English, French; basic knowledge: Spanish, Japanese